Wednesday 18 August 2021 Updated
Please see advice for community sports in the wake of the latest COVID-19 preventative steps that have been taken in Queensland from 4pm Sunday 8 August.
Community sport can resume in full from Friday the 20th of August, at 4pm.
This applies to training, competition and school sport, spectators in line with stadiums and indoor and outdoor event requirements.
Cairns & Yarrabah will return to standard State Government COVID restrictions. The 11 South East QLD LGA’s still have added safety measures in place which we encourage clubs & associations to be aware of. More information can be found in the Roadmap linked above.
With this, Queensland Cricket would advise all clubs & associations to adhere to these recommendation. Please also keep in mind, that these restrictions are not just placed on facilities within this area, but also members who have been within hotspot areas throughout key periods of time.
Please use the CheckInQld app for training and matches at venues, wear masks as directed, practice good hand sanitation and observe social distancing.
Current Mask Advice is as follows:
You must carry a face mask with you at all times when you leave home, unless you have a lawful reason not to.
- Public Transport and ride share: must wear a mask including while waiting for the transport in a public space such as a bus stop, taxi rank or train station.
- Outdoors: you must wear a mask when unable to stay 1.5m apart from people who are not part of your household.
- Indoors: you must wear a mask in indoor spaces (including workplaces, but not your own home) unless it is unsafe or you can stay 1.5m apart from other people.
- Schools: Masks must be worn by teachers and staff (all schools), plus students in high school.
- Masks must be worn when at stadiums, at an airport, and on a domestic or international flight departing or arriving in Queensland.