Under recent changes to the law, Electronic Contact Registers must be used at all QSDCA Cricket Matches until further notice.

• All QSDCA clubs and individual players are expected to co-operate with this and will be held legally responsible in any case where Contact Registers are not completed lawfully.
• All QSDCA clubs are warned that lawful fines for non-compliance are $6672 for clubs and $1334 for individuals.
• Some of your questions may be answered here: https://www.health.qld.gov.au/system-governance/legislation/cho-public-health-directions-under-expanded-public-health-act-powers/business-activity-undertaking-direction/guest-and-staff-contact-information-requirements
• Read this for more information https://www.covid19.qld.gov.au/updates/important-changes-to-record-keeping-for-contact-tracing

In view of the seriousness of this matter last night’s Management Committee meeting decided to request all clubs with home grounds provide some evidence to the Management Committee that an electronic contact register is in operation at each club’s home ground.

( I suggest send in a photo of ‘Conditions of entry’ and/or QR code signs displayed at your ground.)
Please do so by email or in person at the Delegates Meeting on Monday night by 1 February.

If your club requires any advice about how to set this up please contact me by email.at secretary@qsdca.com.au

Anthony Martin, QSDCA Asst Secretary On Behalf of the QSDCA Management Committee

QLD Government Dept Sport and Rec advises:
Contact Information: Is it really THAT important?
YES! Contact information gained by organisations and businesses is an essential element to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
When a person is diagnosed with COVID-19, the local public health unit (PHU) commences Contact Tracing to assess the movements of the person with COVID-19 while they were infectious and determine who in community are considered ‘close contacts’.
Close contacts will be directed to quarantine and may also be tested for COVID-19. Contact Tracing assists public health officers to contain and respond to the spread of COVID-19 within the community (Source). Without the contact information, the virus will continue to spread throughout the community.
We all want to continue to enjoy sport, active recreation and fitness pursuits, to be outdoors and to spend time with our friends and family, so please follow the COVID Safe guidelines and practices.
Regarding contact information, organisations and businesses must:
• Prominently display your Conditions of Entry sign
• Actively collect all attendees’ contact information
• Ensure your system is efficient, secure, stores the data for 56 days and enhances privacy
• Know how to access the stored data quickly when it is requested by the PHU
• Remember the contact information is only for the purposes of contact tracing.
Participants and patrons:
• Look out for and proactively sign-in
• Provide correct details
• Check out when finished.