The Annual General Meeting of the Association to be held on Monday 10th August, 2020.
(This is a bit later than usual and will be a co-meeting with the Secretaries meeting.)
Venue: Ian Healy Room Qld Cricket HQ, Albion Time: 7.30pm start
Please note that Notices of Motion and Nominations to the Management Committee must be received by the Honorary Secretary no later than midnight on Wednesday 29th July 2020. Please email correspondence to
Please Note – the meeting will be held under the Covid-19 Protocols and as such the following will apply.
- Each attendee will be required to sanitize hands before entering
- Each attendee will be required to sign in with name, address and contact number
- IMPORTANT – each club will be limited to one (1) attendee
- IMPORTANT – each club attendee will be given a card with a number printed on it to represent the number of votes that his/her club is entitled to. This will be counted for any votes that are required.
A further reminder that the season WILL START on time on Saturday 19th September 2020.
Where possible please bring your affiliation forms with you for presentation at the AGM – these forms will be issued in the coming weeks.
Although the AGM is on a date later than normal we anticipate that most clubs will be able to complete affiliation at the AGM or very soon after.
Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned either by email to or telephone 0411594846.
Bruce Lawson, Honorary Secretary