The Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held at 7.30pm on Monday 15 July 2024 at Ian Healy Room, Qld Cricket Albion.

Notice of the Annual General Meeting

Zoom details

Agenda for the meeting

Previous Minutes

Annual Report 2023/24 and Audit Report

Proposed fees and fines for 2024/2025 Season (to be considered at AGM)

Notices of Motion to be considered


To complete your vote (whether attending by Zoom or in the meeting room),

use the online voting form at

  • Delegates can vote by using their web enabled phones. Some PC’s will be available to delegates for voting during the meeting.
  • It is planned that the online voting form will open late afternoon on Monday 15-July and close during the AGM.
  • There will be no paper voting at this AGM.

Form for Notices of Motion

Forms for Nominations to the Committee Offices

Please note that

  • Notices of Motion must be received by the Honorary Secretary no later than midnight on Monday 08 Jul 2024 (7 days before the AGM) Now closed from 9-Jul-2024 and
  • Nominations to the Management Committee must be received by the Honorary Secretary no later than midnight on Monday 01 Jul 2024. Now closed from 2-Jul-2024
  • Completed Notices of Motions, Mancom Nominations, Annual Report, Proposed Fees and Fines and voting forms will be issued closer to the meeting.
  • Please email all correspondence to

Where possible please bring your Affiliation Forms for 2024/25 with you for presentation at the Secretaries Meeting (12-Aug) – new editions of these forms will be issued in the near future.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Secretary either by email to or telephone 0411 594 846.

QSDCA Management Committee 15-Jun-2024

(updated 15-Jul-2024)