For the attention of all players, umpires and captains of all teams playing at Bowman Park (David Avenue, Bardon)

For a printable version of this statement click HERE

  • West Brisbane Cricket Club have had great difficulty negotiating access to Bowman Park, for cricket fixtures for the 20/21 season. QSDCA management have been made aware of these issues.
  • As a result, fixtures will proceed in the 20/21 season, but with the following restrictions and changes from previous seasons at Bowman Park;


  • WBCC will no longer have access to the clubhouse or canteen facilities. There will be no food or drinks of any kind, available for sale at Bowman Park fixtures.
  • All players, umpires and spectators are requested to bring along enough food, drinks, ice, water etc. to meet their needs for each day.


  • WBCC No longer have access to any Freezers or Refrigerators at the venue. It is requested that both home and away team captains ensure a supply of esky’d ice at Bowman Park games, for dealing with any injuries etc.


  • WBCC no longer have access to the main clubhouse. This will remain locked during scheduled fixtures.
  • The balcony area will remain available for gathering and spectating. Some outdoor furniture/seating will be available in the balcony area.

New Facilities (Change Rooms)

  • Cricket teams will have access which the new Changeroom area which is adjacent to the Clubhouse. Change Rooms have been assigned to teams as follows;
    • Home Team (WBCC) – Dressing Room 1 – (First WHITE door on the LEFT)
    • Away Team – Dressing Room 2 – (First RED door on the RIGHT).
    • Toilet and bathroom facilities are located within these Change Rooms.
  • Captains of the respective home and away teams are requested to ensure Change rooms and toilets are left in a general clean tidy state after play, with all rubbish and equipment removed.

Restrictions on Alcohol

  1. West Brisbane CC no longer has any approvals to enable the consumption or sale of Alcohol, in the licenced area at Bowman Park. This means the following conditions must be adhered to by all players and visitors
  2. There will be no alcohol for sale at the venue.
  3. The consumption of BYO alcohol at Bowman Park, either during or after play, is STRICTLY PROHIBITED for all players, umpires and spectators.
  4. Any breaches of this rule will be addressed by the WBCC Captain, and also reported to QSDCA Management.

Players from West Brisbane CC who wish to have a drink after play, are being encouraged to go across the street to the Bardon Bowls Club. This option is also available to umpires and away teams.

Site Handover arrangements for early season fixtures (up to Nov 30th 2020)

  • Due to the extension of the soccer season, junior soccer fixtures will continue on Bowman Park on Saturdays until 1pm, from the beginning of the cricket season through to the end of the November 2020.

To help manage this, the following protocols are in place:

  1. Cricket persons are not to enter the changerooms or clubhouse veranda areas, until AFTER all soccer players, parents and volunteers etc have vacated. This is necessary to avoid cross-contamination of peoples. I.e Soccer and Cricket will maintain completely separate Contact Tracing records, to comply with COVID Safety requirements.
  2. Early season games may be shortened to accommodate the 1pm start (for example, in Round 1 on 19th September, play commenced at 12:50pm, with Umpires and Captains agreeing to a 32-over per side one day match – 7 overs max for each bowler. See Sat 35 Playing regulation 27.2)



For a printable version of this statement click HERE