The AGM will be held on Monday night (18-July) at Ian Healy Room starting 7.30pm

There are two elections due to be held. Delegates for member clubs will be asked to cast their votes.

  • First is for Management Committee.
  • Second is for a group of Notices of Motion to amend a list of Playing Regulations, one article of the QSDCA Constitution and to establish an umpires association.

Meeting delegates who attend in person will vote by a normal method at the meeting.

In accordance with the QSDCA Constitution, meeting delegates present in the room will vote by either a show of hands or paper ballots.

Meeting delegates attending by Zoom can vote by following these steps. Zoom delegates will need computer equipment to download, print, mark the voting papers, re-scan and email back. It is up to Zoom delegates to find suitable means to do this.

Here are the steps for any clubs attending by Zoom remote video wishing to vote.

  1. Please download and use these voting papers linked here.
  2. Voting Paper for AGM (Management Committee Election) LINK
  3. Voting Slip for all 5 Notices of Motion LINK
  4. Each club may vote according to votes shown on this Voting Roll LINK
  5. All Zoom delegates’ votes must be emailed to at any time up until each election is declared closed by the chairman of the meeting on Monday night.
  6. In accordance with Article 24.5(h) of the QSDCA Constitution the account will be deleted after the AGM to destroy the votes.

Please note:

  • Votes sent to other email addresses will not be counted. It’s please.
  • You may simply type your vote responses in email but each vote must be clear enough to be understood.
  • Unclear votes will be informal.
  • The name of your club must be included. Voting at QSDCA Meetings is not and has never been a secret ballot. (In previous years we have often relied on “show of hands” for instance.)
  • Votes with no club name (or life/mancom member etc) will be informal.
  • In case of a vote repeated from any club, only the first received vote will be counted.
  • Votes will be counted according to the number of votes allowed each club by the QSDCA Constitution. (See the Voting Roll. i.e. votes from clubs with 2 votes will count as 2 votes)
  • Any questions about which way to vote can be asked in the meeting in the normal way or before the meeting by contacting any member of the Management Committee. Phone numbers and emails can be found at

Votes will be received by the scrutineers (Anthony Martin, Assistant Secretary and one other (not a candidate, yet to be appointed), checked off the voting roll then counted. Then the result will be reported to the meeting chairman (Mel Lowings QSDCA President) for announcement of the result.

Anthony Martin, QSDCA Assistant Secretary (on behalf of Bruce Lawson QSDCA Secretary)

  • Notice of Motion 22-001 Playing Regs Review 2022   LINK
  • Notice of Motion 22-002 Constitution amendment   LINK
  • Notice of Motion 22-003 Spikes for Batters Reg 8.1.6 LINK
  • Notice of Motion 22-004 Umpires Association Proposal  LINK
  • Notice of Motion 22-005 Tea Break Time  LINK