QSDCA is close to setting up a new email system for clubs.
The old Webcentral email system has been in use for more than 15 years. It is based on a soon to be outdated email protocol (POP3). The technology used in the Webcentral system will become unusable soon.
It must be replaced. Email messages like this will no longer be necessary.
In the next few weeks QSDCA will be upgrading their email provider to Microsoft Outlook Cloud Hosting. (Big thanks to the setup efforts of committee member Jack Johnstone and the IT team at www.eckoo.com )
- Clubs will have a QSDCA email address like this yourclubname@qsdca.com.au
- Each club will get an outlook.com web based account which provides online accessible email, and their own “OneDrive” – a cloud based storage service which can be used to store important club documents.
- Each club will be able to get messages from the association, contact any other club easily and contact the Association management using the new account.
Since outlook.com is web based, it can be accessed by more than one office bearer within each club, and easily transferable as club management changes from season to season. Importantly – to comply with modern industry standards and privacy requirements, the accounts will be protected by 2 Factor Authentication. (2FA)
Some personal data will be needed including a phone number to be used for 2FA.
LINK https://forms.gle/7MhYW81RtCUu5rHKA
A written procedure for accessing new email services will be issued in the next few weeks.